My master plan to beat Agoraphobia in 2021

tom hinkle
4 min readFeb 12, 2021
Photo by from Pexels

Anxiety has plagued me for most of my life. As a young child, I was always looking for someone who was in charge and could take control of a situation if the need arose. This codependency and Anxiety has stuck with me into adulthood causing all sorts of different problems. The worst of them being a disorder known as Agoraphobia.

Agoraphobia can be defined as a fear of getting into situations that would be difficult to get out of if the need arose. Eventually, this fear will shrink the sufferers world until they can no longer leave their own home. It should be known that not everyone who suffers from Agoraphobia reaches this point. There are plenty Agoraphobes that have no problem leaving their house, however, there is almost always a limit on how far they will go.

At my worst, I had a very hard time leaving my home. Each day was a struggle against an invisible force that lives inside of me that renders me unable to do things that you’d most likely never think twice about.

There have been times throughout my life where I have gotten my Anxiety under control and have been able to live a reasonably normal life, but the Anxiety/Agoraphobia always lurks in the background. 2021 is the year I get it under control and here’s how I plan to do it.

Drop the caffeine



tom hinkle

Hi, I’m Tom. I like to write about mental health and other things. Get in touch at